Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Italian Coffee Delights: Exploring the Nuances of Affogato, Caffè Latte, and Caffè Shakerato

From the traditional espresso to the various delightful concoctions, Italian coffee is a true delight for coffee enthusiasts. Italy is renowned for its rich coffee culture, and Italians take their coffee seriously. In this article, we will delve into the nuances of three popular Italian coffee creations: Affogato, Caffè Latte, and Caffè Shakerato. Join us…

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The Differences Between Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, and Liberica Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee plant, which are harvested, processed, and roasted to produce the beloved beverage that millions of people around the world enjoy every day. There are four main types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, and Liberica. Each type has its own unique characteristics, including flavor, aroma, and caffeine…

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